Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hide page elements from the SharePoint dialog box

By default, anything you add in your custom SharePoint master page will not only appear in the web interface, but will be passed through and appear in the pop-up dialog box that is used for so many functions in SharePoint 2010. Microsoft recommends adding the s4-notdlg CSS class to any HTML element that you don’t want to appear in the dialog box.  So for example

<div id="MyCustomElement" class="s4-notdlg">
   Wonderful goodness

This works fine but it can get rather cumbersome to add this class to every element you want to stop from being passed through.  I suggest that you take a different approach. When you view the source code for a dialog box, the HTML element nested in the iFrame that creates the dialog box has the ms-dialog class applied.

<div class="ms-dlgFrameContainer">
  <iframe id="DlgFramee" class="ms-dlgFrame" frameborder="0" src="http://sharepoint">
    <html class="ms-dialog">

Create a CSS style statement that uses a descendent selector identifier. Set the ms-dialog class as a parent and your custom identifier as the child. Set the display to none.

.ms-dialog #MyCustomElement {

Each time you create a new element that needs to be hidden from the dialog box display, you just need to update your CSS style statement.  There is no need to add an additional style to the HTML element in the master page/content page/page layout file.

.ms-dialog #MyCustomElement,
.ms-dialog .Header,
.ms-dialog .Footer  {

This same approach can be used for altering the display of an element in the dialog box.  Use the same descendent selector and change up the properties.

.Header {
   background: red;

Source :

SharePoint 2013 Custom Master Page Apps not Loading

Design Manger Bug :

Ran into an interesting little bug this past week with SharePoint 2013 Design Manager master pages. After having a friend recreate the issue on her VM, I contacted the Microsoft product team and confirmed this is an issue they hope to solve with a future update. Essentially, if you create a master page with the Design Manager, whether a minimal master or one that has been converted from HTML and CSS, the Site Contents > Add an app page will not allow you to add apps or lists to your site. This issue also impact the out of the box Oslo master page. Here is what you should see when you go to the Add an App page:

With this bug you end up never seeing the Apps you can add section. Sometimes you will see the “Working on it…” message and other times you will just see the Noteworthy apps.
The key to fixing this problem is to make sure your master page includes: DeltaPlaceHolderLeftNavBar, PlaceHolderLeftNavBar, DeltaPlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea, and PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea and that each of them is not set to Visible=False. To do this in an HTML master page with Design Manager you would add the following snippets:

<!--SPM:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaPlaceHolderLeftNavBar" BlockElement="true" runat="server">-->
<!--SPM:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderLeftNavBar" runat="server">-->
<!--SPM:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaPlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea" runat="server">-->
<!--SPM:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea" runat="server">-->

With these lines in place, the Apps you can add should show up again. Note, if you aren’t making a Design Manager HTML master page you will still want to ensure these controls (without the DM comments) are included somewhere in your master page and not marked as Visible=False.

Org Article :

Monday, May 4, 2015

Small Calender In Sharepoint 2013

Out put :

SharePoint 2013 Small Calendar:

Step1 :

Add Calendar webpart
Add Content editor webpart
Add the below CSS .

2013 Content Editor Web Part CSS: <style>
/**** Small Calendar ***/
.ms-acal-item{height: 10px !important;}
.ms-acal-month-top span{display: none;}
.ms-acal-summary-itemrow TD DIV{height: 15px !important;}

Ref :